Writing Tips

Writing Tip #110: Don’t imitate. Interpret.

Writing Tip #109: Make your chapter endings count.

Writing Tip #108: Always remember why you became a writer.

Writing Tip #107: Feeling “trapped” when penning a sequel.

Writing Tip #106: No Naughty or Nice lists here.

Writing Tip #105: Don’t be alarmed if your writing process changes from book to book.

Writing Tip #104: Write anyway.

Writing Tip #103: If it ain’t broke…

Writing Tip #102: Don’t be afraid.

Writing Tip #101: All together versus altogether.

Writing Tip #100: Embrace boredom.

Writing Tip #99: A while versus awhile.

Writing Tip #98: Because I’m bad, I’m bad… Or am I?

Writing Tip #97: Characters always talk. You decide whether they have something worthwhile to say.

Writing Tip #96: It’s okay to turn it off for a while.

Writing Tip #95: Don’t sweat the small stuff now. Just write.

Writing Tip #94: The F word.

Writing Tip #93: Passed versus past.

Writing Tip #92: Stick to what you’re good at.

Writing Tip #91: Details, details.

Writing Tip #90: Make time to write (the return of #1kaday).

Writing Tip #89: What you didn’t know won’t hurt you.

Writing Tip #88: Write outside.

Writing Tip #87: Renown versus Renowned.

Writing Tip #86: Dialogue, interrupted.

Writing Tip #85: Bad writing is better than no writing.

Writing Tip #84: Pick an ending. Any ending.

Writing Tip #83: Just when you think you have nothing left — PUSH.

Writing Tip #82: As if.

Writing Tip #81: Got Oxford comma? Style is in the eye of the beholder.

Writing Tip #80: Hire a professional copy editor.

Writing Tip #79: Write neatly.

Writing Tip #78: If feeling uninspired, convince yourself that you’ll only sit down and write for 10 minutes…

Writing Tip #77: Avoid “there is/are” sentence constructions.

Writing Tip #76: Not every sentence you write has to be in active voice.

Writing Tip #75: Comma after “so”?

Writing Tip #74: Use exclamation points effectively.

Writing Tip #73: A word about endings.

Writing Tip #72: And the Oscar goes to…

Writing Tip #71: “Over” versus “More than”

Writing Tip #70: Demystifying the semicolon.

Writing Tip #69: Go with your gut.

Writing Tip #68: While you write, keep a text file open that contains all the story facts you tend to forget.

Writing Tip #67: Keep a text file open while you write that contains all the grammar rules you tend to forget.

Writing Tip #66: Never use “that” when referring to a person.

Writing Tip #65: Bare your soul.

Writing Tip #64: Wiping the slate clean.

Writing Tip #63: Setting (and reaching) goals.

Writing Tip #62: Never use an apostrophe to make a name plural.

Writing Tip #61: Building bridges.

Writing Tip #60: How long should your novel be? As long as it needs to be.

Writing Tip #59: All it takes is one person to believe…

Writing Tip #58: Make sure your narrator and his/her narrative voice jibe.

Writing Tip #57: Don’t think about editing. Or marketing. Just write.

Writing Tip #56: Fall back or spring ahead?

Writing Tip #55: Connect the dots.

Writing Tip #54: Apostrophe or no apostrophe?

Writing Tip #53: Kill the alarm clock?

Writing Tip #52: Build your Dream ‘House.’

Writing Tip #51: Stuck? Write something else.

Writing Tip #50: Own your process.

Writing Tip #49: Keep readers hooked, from beginning to end.

Writing Tip #48: Make metaphors. Or at least try to.

Writing Tip #47: Try something new.

Writing Tip #46: Better late than never.

Writing Tip #45: It’s okay to remind the reader of things now and then.

Writing Tip #44: Don’t forget to live life too.

Writing Tip #43: Expect the long haul.

Writing Tip #42: What’s your point of view?

Writing Tip #41: Pronoun primer.

Writing Tip #40: You don’t have to know everything.

Writing Tip #39: Plot versus character. Character wins every time.

Writing Tip #38: Don’t fret over your first line.

Writing Tip #37: Don’t freak out.

Writing Tip #36: Just make stuff up.

Writing Tip #35: There’s nothing wrong with the word “said.”

Writing Tip #34: Typos are inexcusable.

Writing Tip #33: You need to be interested in your own book in order for anyone else to be.

Writing Tip #32: Establish a reader-character connection.

Writing Tip #31: Never give up.

Writing Tip #30: Solicit feedback.

Writing Tip #29: Rejection happens.

Writing Tip #28: Create an environment conducive to writing.

Writing Tip #27: Create relatable characters.

Writing Tip #26: Grammar matters.

Writing Tip #25: You don’t need a “chunk” of time to write.

Writing Tip #24: Don’t be afraid to cut. A lot.

Writing Tip #23: Make decisions.

Writing Tip #22: Create an outline.

Writing Tip #21: Write what you know. Duh.

Writing Tip #20: Describe the ruckus.

Writing Tip #19: Vary your sentence structure.

Writing Tip #18: Read your work aloud.

Writing Tip #17: Not every novelist is an island.

Writing Tip #16: Remember, “writing” doesn’t only happen when you’re sitting at your computer.

Writing Tip #15: Keep ’em guessing — incorrectly.

Writing Tip #14: Make like a tree and get outta here.

Writing Tip #13: Read, read, read.

Writing Tip #12: Don’t “look” before you speak.

Writing Tip #11: Even after the writing/revising is done, be on the lookout for news items that could affect your story.

Writing Tip #10: Let the characters drive their story.

Writing Tip #9: Omit unnecessary words.

Writing Tip #8: Stick your manuscript in a drawer for a while before you edit.

Writing Tip #7: Write TK for missing facts.

Writing Tip #6: Just do it.

Writing Tip #5: Write from your heart, not with your head.

Writing Tip #4: Set a daily word count.

Writing Tip #3: Honesty is not a lonely word.

Writing Tip #2: Know your ending.

Writing Tip #1: Your audience will find you.

6 thoughts on “Writing Tips

  1. Great tips, especially #5. This is how I go about writing. I feel it in my heart more than anything. Eventually, my head catches on and gets with the program.

    • Yep. Writing is all about the heart, and editing is all about the head. The editor in me finds it difficult to keep my head out of the process and let my heart lead during that first draft. But I’m working on it. :)

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