Time to Stick my Sequel in a Drawer

Well, it took a year and a half (the same amount of time it took me to write the first book, coincidentally) but I’ve finally finished writing the sequel to Baby Grand. Woo hoo! Cue confetti!

What’s the next step? Stick the manuscript in a drawer (yes, I’m showing my age), or, perhaps, on the back burner of my life, and refrain from looking at it for at least a month. Why? It’s important to get some distance from your work, and that’s something that only time can achieve. Even when I write feature articles, I can go an hour or even an overnight between reads. Time has a way of revealing all kinds of typos and issues. My students at Hofstra University always hear me say that just because you can write “The End” on a manuscript and upload it to Amazon the same day doesn’t mean that you should. Like my mother-in-law’s chili, manuscripts need to marinate a bit for maximum flavor.

So, a month from now, I’ll go through a round of editing, and I’ll have a better idea of where things stand, because I’m sure there will be more to work through (there always is), but for the moment I am breathing a sigh of relief and giving myself a little pat on the back. My book may not yet be ready for prime time, but the first step of the publishing process is completed, and that certainly is worth celebrating. Yay, me! :)

4 thoughts on “Time to Stick my Sequel in a Drawer

  1. Congrats, Dina! I also recently finished a round of edits/rewriting of a novel manuscript and “stuck it in a drawer.” Not sure for how long. I’m hoping to get a friend to read it soon. How about you? Are you at the reader stage?

    • Congrats right back at ya, Ms. Olivia! I’m going to go through one more round of editing before I let anyone take a look at this puppy. Then I’ll let it out to play. :) So nice to see your lovely photo in my comment feed! Come back soon!

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