The Next Big Thing

I had been racking my brain wondering what I’d blog about on the final day of 2012 — the pressure of coming up with something poignant and/or intelligent that I discovered about myself as a writer or about the publishing industry over the past year — when, as luck would have it, the lovely Ellen Meister was kind enough to tag me in this blog chain/self-interview titled, “The Next Big Thing,” which totally took the pressure off. Whew!

As part of this blogging chain, writers answer 10 questions about their recently published or soon-to-be-published works (see Ellen’s answers here). I had the pleasure of interviewing Ellen this year about her book, The Other Life, for the television show, The Writer’s Dream, and am so looking forward to reading Farewell, Dorothy Parker — her fourth novel — which will be published by Putnam in February 2013.

Now, without further ado, here’s my 10-question chat:

  • What is the title of your book? Baby Grand
  • Where did the idea come from for the book? I truly wish I could remember exactly how and when I came up with the premise for Baby Grand. All I know is it happened sometime in my twenties, when I was working as a full-time editor in Manhattan. I used to commute every day by bus and/or train and would read lots of thrillers by authors such as John Grisham, Michael Crichton and James Patterson. I loved them. Devoured them. And, for some reason, I always thought I had it in me to write one.
  • What genre does your book fall under? Thriller
  • Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? Although Robert De Niro was the inspiration for my villain Don Bailino when I came up with the concept in the mid-1990s, he’s kinda too old to play the character — although, as luck would have it, he’s now a perfect fit for Gino Cataldi (hint, hint). Bobby Cannavale, actually, would be an amazing choice for Bailino (I just saw him in Glengarry Glen Ross on Broadway — he stole the show). And I think Ginnifer Goodwin would make a great Jamie Carter.
  • What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book? A curly-haired toddler, a down-on-her-luck writer and the bad guys who brought them together. (Not quite a sentence, I know, but it does the trick.)
  • Was your book self-published or represented by an agency? Self-published

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Meet John W. Mefford

Ah, I wonder if John Grisham knows how many writers he’s inspired… Today’s featured debut author is John W. Mefford, a fellow Grisham reader and the author of his own thriller, the first in a planned series.

Name: John W. Mefford

Name of book: Committed

Book genre: Mystery/Suspense/Thriller

Date published: November 1, 2011

Publisher: Self-published

What is your day job? Chief Operations Officer for HFAOS (Home, Family and other stuff)

What is your book about? It’s about one man’s quest to discover what is important – who is important – while he struggles to sift through the fog of corruption and deceit to find a killer… before death finds him.

Why did you want to write this book? Why a thriller? At a high level I’ve long wanted to write fiction, and a mystery/thriller was my first choice. My initial desire to write came in my late teens when I read John Grisham’s The Firm. Years later, my first job after college was in journalism, and I learned the craft from the ground up. But I found myself mentally noting the strange and sometimes whimsical traits of people around me. It seemed that every interaction I witnessed lodged deep in my brain somewhere. When I moved into a corporate environment and the stories and interactions grew more outlandish and bizarre, I could tell my brain stored the information like a well-oiled database. So, to answer your question, why did I write this book? Because I had to. I’ve been writing it for almost twenty-five years. I just never put it on a paper until late 2009.

What would you say is the most challenging part of writing a book? Being comfortable and confident enough to start down a plot path without knowing how it will eventually tie back to other characters or sub-plots. It’s like jumping off a bridge with a rubber band around your ankles knowing you’ll bounce back up before you hit the jagged rocks below. Although, I’d never actually jump off anything.

What motivates you to write? I love stories. Hearing stories, watching stories, reading stories. And creating a story that ultimately evokes emotion from another person is the ultimate high. Like I’ve said to others, writing is like oxygen for my soul.

Did you experience writer’s block? While writing novels, I’ve never really had writer’s block. There have been days when the words and phrasing flow like syrup over warm, buttered pancakes. Other days, it’s felt more like a classical staccato piece. But I accept each outpouring of thoughts. We writers are human, and it’s only natural for outside influences to impact our emotions, thus our writing. Nothing stands still.

How long did it take you to write this book? From first word to last edit, it took about sixteen months. Lots of highs and lows along the way, but I learned a great deal about myself. It was worth the roller coaster ride.

Why did you decide to self-publish? To finally take charge of this unfinished creative thing sitting in my lap. The more it sat, the more I wanted to share it. I tried the query path and was met with a few teases, but not enough substantive response. I tried being patient (a tough sell for me). I attempted to get in the mind of agents and edit the book towards their liking. But I realized they weren’t – shouldn’t – be my target audience. I redefined what success meant to me, and I dove into researching the world of self-publishing.

Was the self-publishing process easier or more difficult than you thought it would be? Self-publishing is really the combination of many tasks and talents: writing, editing, managing, cajoling, marketing, public relations. I had prepared myself for the unexpected, which is exactly what I got. I searched and read and saved all sorts of data. I now look back on the early days of my self-publishing process and I chuckle. I didn’t know what I was doing or where I was going, but I was damn sure I was going to get there, somehow, some way.

What is the biggest misconception about writing a book? The attention to detail and the ability to look at your writing critically isn’t on the radar of the average person who talks about writing, but hasn’t actually taken that first step.

What was your favorite aspect of the writing process for this book? The first draft. That’s where you take a block of stone and chisel away until a shape begins to develop. Then the shape morphs into a desired form of life, and it begins to think, act, and react in ways you’d never thought about. Besides a loving moment with my wife, this might be the only thing that creates a tingle up my spine. It’s magical.

What tools/methods have you employed to promote your book? What advice would you give to writers regarding promotion? If I told you everything, I’d have to kill you… No, seriously, I’ve developed a growing following on Twitter, where I’ve met a lot of cool writers (Dina included!), avid readers, and interesting people altogether. It’s been a great resource and opened a number of doors for me. I also have a Facebook Author page. I created my own website with an embedded blog (Something Like That). I used a talented photographer for the website photos, my sister-in-law, Kate Mefford, and a very creative soul for my cover art, Jeroen Ten Berge.

A couple pieces of advice for future writers: First, initiate your virtual interaction early on in the creative process. It will give you a sense of confidence to interact with other authors and start to get your name out there. Second, writing is all about the story, but your supporting visuals, content, and layout matter. Your cover art needs to be created by someone who’s actually created book covers, and your website needs to be professional. Look at well-known authors and see how they tie their book themes and genre into the look and feel of their websites. And, when you’re finally ready to establish a publishing date, work, re-work, and re-work again your book description. It all matters.

How has life changed for you since the publication of your book? We’ll see. It just released on November 1. So, I’m still busy with promotional activities. And I try to write as often as possible. I’ll stick my head above the weeds in the next month or so to check the weather.

Do you plan on writing another book? I’ve written a very early draft of Book Two in The Michael Doyle Chronicles (title is TBD). That’s next. Then I might take one of the characters and write a short story, sort of a Book 2A. Book Three will follow. Then, I could start venturing into other areas of interest, both within the mystery/thriller genre and possibly into other genres (romantic suspense, young adult).

My favorite last question: Oprah once famously said that there is no such thing as luck, without preparation and a moment of opportunity. Would you agree or disagree with regard to your own success as a writer? I agree. Without me realizing it, I’ve been preparing for this time of my life for over two decades. But I needed something to shove me into the bustling freeway. Almost two years ago, I saw the three-story, neon flashing signs, and I seized the opportunity before me. Now, it’s all come to fruition.

There’s Nothing Like Your First Time

We talk a lot about debut authors around here. As a freelance journalist looking to publish her first novel, I’m interested in hearing about the first-timer’s road to publication. (Yesterday, Kathleen Rodgers told us about hers.) Today, Carol Garvin posted a list of debut novels on her blog, many of which I’ve read and enjoyed. I remember when I read A Time to Kill, the first novel written by John Grisham — I read it after The Firm, the book that launched Grisham into the stratosphere. In his author’s note to A Time to Kill, Grisham wrote something that always stuck with me: “This one came from the heart. It’s a first novel, and at times it rambles, but I wouldn’t change a word if given the chance.”

Although my mind right now is focused on another round of revisions, my hope is that when Baby Grand (fingers crossed!) is published one day, I will feel the very same way.

What Kind of Thriller is ‘Baby Grand’?

“What kind of book is Baby Grand?”

I’m asked that all the time. And my answer?

It’s a thriller.

That seems to have satisfied everyone — including myself — but over the past few days I’ve been doing research and reading lots of thriller flap copy, and it seems that many (virtually all) thrillers are defined more specifically. And that got me wondering: What IS Baby Grand?

A “thriller,” by definition, uses suspense, excitement and tension as its main elements and uses literary devices such as plot twists, red herrings and cliffhangers. My novel, for sure, fits in there. But beyond that, it gets murky (note: subgenre categories from Wikipedia):

  • Conspiracy thriller: The hero/heroine confronts a large, powerful group of enemies whose true extent only he/she recognizes.

Hmmm, don’t think it’s this one.

  • Crime thriller: This is a suspenseful account of a successful or failed crime or crimes, often focusing on the criminal rather than a policeman.

Yes, there is a crime in Baby Grand. A kidnapping. And I do focus on the criminals, as much as, or perhaps more than, the police. This is a definite contender.

  • Disaster thriller: The main conflict is due to some sort of natural or artificial disaster, such as floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, etc.

Uh, no.

  • Erotic thriller: Think Basic Instinct. ‘Nuff said.

Uh, no. Actually… Well, not really.

  • Legal thriller: John Grisham is the guru of this subgenre in which the hero is a lawyer who confronts enemies both inside and outside the courtroom.

One of my favorite legal thrillers was Primal Fear by William Diehl. (The last line of the book still stays with me.) Let’s see: There are two lawyers in Baby Grand, but I would not consider it to be a legal thriller.

  • Medical thriller: The heroes, of course, are in the medical profession here.

Michael Crichton sucked me into this genre long ago. But no doctors in Baby Grand. Well, there is, but he’s such a minor character.

  • Mystery thriller: ???

This subgenre was always bit murky to me, because “mysteries” and “thrillers” often overlap or go hand-in-hand. It seems a bit redundant to say “mystery thriller.” Am I wrong? Someone, please set me straight…

A Writer’s Digest article separates “mystery” and “thriller” this way: “A ‘mystery’ follows an intellectual protagonist who puts together clues to solve a crime after it’s been committed, and a ‘thriller’ details the prevention of a crime before it has been committed.” I don’t know if I buy that. That would make The Da Vinci Code a mystery, not a thriller. And Baby Grand too. No way.

I hereby relegate this category to the Scooby-Doo Mysteries until further notice…

  • Political thriller: The hero must ensure the stability of the government that may or may not employ him.

Hmmm… Phillip Grand is governor of New York and plays a leading role in Baby Grand, but the stability of the government? Nah, doesn’t apply.

  • Psychological thriller: The conflict between the main characters is mental and emotional, rather than physical.

There is a definite psychological component to Baby Grand. Perhaps this is our winner? But when I think of psychological thrillers, I think of The Silence of the Lambs. Or is that a crime thriller? Help!

  • Religious thriller: The plot is closely connected to religious objects, institutions and questions.

Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons fits nicely here. Baby Grand? Nope.

  • Supernatural thriller: This subgenre brings in otherworldly elements, from aliens and ghosts to weird psychic or superhuman abilities.


  • Techno thriller: Sophisticated technology plays a prominent role.

Unless you consider Facebook sophisticated, then this one is a definite no.

The verdict? Can you believe, I’m still not sure. But I guess if I were forced to choose – you know, if I had a gun to my head – I’d pick crime thriller. Otherwise, I’m back to thriller. Plain and simple.